A Look at Landscaping Ideas and Mistakes

Spencer Carlton
3 min readNov 3, 2022


Landscaping can be defined as the process of beautifying a lawn or other outdoor space, either through the maintenance and alteration of existing features or through the introduction of new designs, plants, or structures. Common examples of landscaping elements range from gardens to water features, such as fountains.

For individuals who plan on staying in one location for many years, landscaping is a way to personalize a yard and keep a living space fresh with new ideas. On the other hand, homeowners who plan on selling their homes at some point can see quality landscaping efforts increase property values by from 12 to 15 percent. Furthermore, attractive landscaping features increase a home’s curb appeal, driving more traffic to open houses and increasing the homeowner’s odds of receiving a strong offer. Additional benefits of landscaping range from deterring criminal activity to creating shaded areas and reducing interior temperatures through the introduction of trees and bushes.

For individuals and families who view landscaping as a means of improving the aesthetic appeal of a yard, there are several kinds of landscaping projects. In many cases, the optimal style for a yard is determined by local or external factors. For instance, xeriscape landscaping involves the use of low-water plants and flowers, along with other design features intended to mitigate water evaporation. Considering up to 50 percent of household water can go toward watering lawns and gardens, any home can benefit from xeriscape landscaping principles. That said, homeowners in arid regions such as Texas or Arizona may have no choice but to embrace xeriscape gardens and lawns.

Other landscaping concepts are less specific. Organic gardens, for example, are representative of an ongoing move away from chemical-based gardening and toward an embrace of local plants, as well as organic approaches to pest control and fertilization. That said, an organic garden in Texas will look very different from an organic garden in Maine, despite the like-minded approach.

Organic gardens fall under the larger umbrella of natural landscaping. Natural landscaping projects not only make use of local flowers, vegetables, and other plants, but are designed in such a way as to encourage birds, pollinators, and other animals to spend time in the yard. In fact, a popular natural landscaping practice involves leaving out stumps and dead branches during the winter as shelter for small animals.

On the other hand, homeowners interested in enhancing the monetary value of their property should consider some of the more valuable landscaping projects, including trees. Properly placed trees can add thousands of dollars to a home’s value, though trees planted too closely to a septic system, driveway, or the home itself can result in the need for costly repairs. Trees also play a key part regarding landscaping as a deterrent to criminal activity: greater tree cover indicates that a house is well cared for, creating the impression that it may therefore be closely watched.

The front walkway should be another key area of focus for homeowners interested in increasing the value and curb appeal of their home. As the main entrance to a home, the walkway plays an important role in a person’s first impression of a property. Well-kept flowers lining the walkway and effective lighting are great places to start when it comes to improving a walkway.

Last, homeowners should avoid one of the most common landscaping mistakes: lack of a clear vision. There are a wide variety of attractive, valuable landscaping ideas to choose from. Adding too many elements, many of which may fail to complement the others, can result in a disjointed final look, if homeowners manage to finish their landscaping projects at all.



Spencer Carlton

Spencer Carlton earned a bachelor of business administration from the University of Texas at Austin.